Hip Hop and the Japanese Bartender


Here is the latest from dex digital, scholar slash baller, with "The Japanese Bartender That Taught Me About Hip-Hop." Check him out on twitter @dexdigi and at whatupdex.com. dexdigi writes:

"So one night years ago, due to circumstances that I no longer remember, I found myself in an after-hours reggae bar in Tokyo.

At some point, I started talking to the owner of the bar, and it came up that I was into Japanese hip-hop. He asked if I’d heard of Flower Travellin’ Band. I told him no, because I hadn’t, and also because Flower Travellin’ Band sounded like the stupidest rap name I’d ever heard. I did not say the second part of that sentence aloud, but it was probably written on my face.

He shook his head at me and told me I needed to understand my roots."

 Check out the rest of his story here.

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


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