42 - The Jackie Robinson Story - Japan Roadshow


Via Jackie Penn:

Some of you may remember my non-journalistic review of the movie 42 (Jackie Robinson Dodgers jersey number). The movie opened this weekend in JAPAN. I ask your support and request that you see the movie. Please ask your friends and family to do the same. A personal, and professional, friend of Darryl Wharton and mine is a co-producer of 42. Local support of the movie would greatly help in obtaining quality film work.Here is a link to the movie's site and local Japan theaters showing the movie:http://www.eigakan.org/theaterpage/schedule.php?t=164.We thank you for any and all support you can give.Additional information on the movie:http://wwws.warnerbros.co.jp/42movie/[ad]

Black Tokyo

Creative Director, Black Tokyo G.K.


Japanese Women Open Their Mouth


Life in Japan: Being BLACK, AFRICAN and FE/MALE in Japan (Part-Four: Wasswa Sadam)